Telangana has joined states like Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Maharashtra in providing incentives to encourage the use of EVs. Road tax and registration fees are completely waived when an electric car is purchased, according to a statement made by State Minister for Transport and BC Welfare Ponnam Prabhakar.
The exemption would apply to electric two-wheelers and four-wheelers, as well as commercial vehicles like taxis, three-wheelers, and light cargo carriers, as well as tractors and buses. It was implemented in an effort to lessen air pollution in Hyderabad, the state capital. For the duration of their lives, EVs utilized by the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation and e-buses used to transport private employees would be completely exempt from road tax and registration fees.
No matter how many new EVs are sold, the exemption will remain in effect until December 31, 2026. The minister added that in order to encourage the use of EVs, a commensurate growth of the infrastructure for charging them is necessary. The state’s sales of electric vehicles should increase as a result of the decision to eliminate the registration and road tax.
States like Karnataka, which provide incentives to EV manufacturers but not to customers directly, are considering waiving road taxes and registration fees for hybrid vehicles at the same time. This has already been implemented in Uttar Pradesh, where some dealers claim a sharp increase in sales of hybrid vehicles.