In partnership with Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., LG Energy Solution has introduced a novel battery management system (BMS) diagnostic solution that is fueled by system-on-chip (SoC) technology. With its unmatched safety and efficiency diagnostics, the new software, which is incorporated into the Snapdragon® Digital ChassisTM, establishes a standard for electric vehicle (EV) energy management.
A cooperative promotion agreement has been formed by the two businesses to hasten the commercialization of these cutting-edge products. They already announced a technical cooperation to create next-generation BMS diagnostic technology, which comes after this milestone.
The cutting-edge BMS from LG Energy Solution uses the Snapdragon® Car-to-Cloud Connected Services Platform to give automakers better diagnostic capabilities for cloud services and human-machine interfaces (HMI).
In contrast to conventional BMS systems that run on subpar technology, LG Energy Solution’s innovation makes use of powerful SoC computational capabilities. Advanced safety diagnostics, lifespan and deterioration prediction capabilities, and real-time data analysis without reliance on an external server are some of the key characteristics.
This move is in line with LG Energy Solution’s recently declared strategic objective to diversify into services and software. The business unveiled its new brand, “B.around,” which offers a range of cloud-based and artificial intelligence (AI)-integrated safety diagnostic and software-defined vehicle (SDV) solutions.
LG Energy Solution, which has more than 8,000 patents and more than 20 years of experience in BMS design, has industry-leading metrics, such as a 90% safety diagnostic detection rate and a 1% error rate in deterioration diagnostics.