Delta Electronics India has announced the signing of an MOU with ThunderPlus, a leading two-wheeler (2W) and three-wheeler (3W) electric vehicle (EV) charging solutions provider. Under the aforementioned agreement, Delta will provide advanced high-efficiency 4kW rectifier modules, made at its new large manufacturing site in Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu, to support ThunderPlus’ fast chargers for the low voltage market, specifically designed for 2W and 3W EVs.
Mr. Niranjan Nayak, Managing Director, Delta Electronics India, said, “Delta’s corporate mission is ‘To provide innovative, clean, and energy-efficient solutions for a better tomorrow’. Hence, our collaboration with Thunder Plus underscores Delta’s goal to contribute to India’s EV transition by delivering cutting-edge, locally manufactured solutions. Our fast-growing R&D capabilities in Bengaluru and manufacturing in Krishnagiri have been instrumental to this milestone.”
Mr. Rajeev YSR, CEO – Thunder Plus, highlighted, “This collaboration with Delta Electronics brings world-class technology to India’s low-voltage EV charging market. Our customizable chargers cater to the unique requirements of OEMs and end-users, ensuring efficient and seamless integration with their operations. Together, we are building the foundation for a robust and sustainable EV charging infrastructure in India.”
This endeavor brings together Delta’s technological expertise in power solutions and ThunderPlus’ market leadership in EV charging systems. The chargers, developed with Delta’s advanced 4kW rectifier modules featuring energy efficiency up to 93%, are customizable and designed to meet India’s diverse requirements, making them a game-changer for the local EV market.