With its initial sale to Jaywant Sugar Mills, AutoNxt Automation has formally started selling. The Yashwantrao Mohite Krishna Sugar Factory hosted the launch celebration, which was well-attended by the factory chairman, Dr. Sureshbaba Bhosale, as well as directors and employees from the Y. M. Krishna Cooperative Factory and a sizable contingent of the nearby farming community.
Dr. Bhosale highlighted the electric tractor’s importance in the transition away from conventional diesel-powered gear during the occasion, hailing it as a revolutionary development for both industry and agriculture. “A revolution in agriculture and other industrial sectors will be brought about by AutoNxt’s electric tractor,” he declared.
In light of worries about possible fuel shortages, the launch is expected to significantly advance sustainable development and is in line with India’s “Make in India” policy. Dr. Bhosale emphasized the innovation’s importance and the pride it instills in the community, especially because AutoNxt’s founder and CEO, Mr. Kaustubh Dhonde, is a native of Satara district’s Wai taluka.
The 45 HP AutoNxt electric tractor is an excellent choice for jobs like rotating cultivation and reverse plowing because it can carry up to 15 tons of cargo. After just three hours, a complete charge allows it to travel about 50 miles. Furthermore, the tractor’s battery may be charged with single-phase or three-phase electricity, saving 60 to 70% on fuel.
By providing an affordable and sustainable alternative for the agricultural workforce, AutoNxt hopes to transform farming and other industries in India in the future.